Location: Neighborhood between Centar (City Center) and Gospotina
Main Attractions: Becici Beach, Mogren 2 Beach
Transportation: Walking
Holidays: Palm Sunday, Good Friday
BUDVA - We are back in Budva! The weather has been warming up and the town is jumping into action. Restaurants, shops, and even hotels that seem as if they have been untouched for years are putting up signs, repairing broken areas, and preparing to open their doors. It's almost as if Budva is a new town. Beaches are full of sunbathers and the cobblestone paths are more crowded. It's amazing what a little sun and dry weather can do (not underestimating how beautiful Budva is even during its low season).
Soon after our return from Kotor, we headed to Becici, a small beach town neighboring Budva. It is just a 30- to 45-minute walk (it really depends on the girls' pace) heading east on the coast and through a tunnel showcasing some of Montenegro's language, art, and history. It was a gorgeous day to head to Becici Beach and enjoy its sandy shores and well-maintained playground (Budva doesn't have very many playgrounds, especially ones in working condition. The nearest and biggest one has holes in both slides. I also have a feeling they take down some of the equipment during the colder and wetter seasons). Even though it was later in the day, the girls seemed energized to make a long-ish walk. Little did they know it would be to Becici beach. We had just eaten lunch at Sushi Wok, which has a small play kitchen area that entertained the girls for a long time (the simple things, right?). When we arrived at Becici, they were pleasantly surprised. You could see their little legs getting tired walking through the sand, but they were determined to make it to the playground at the opposite end (yes, they opted to walk through the sand instead of the sidewalk even though we warned them that it would be longer and harder). Unfortunately, our time there was cut short due to a small rain storm. We ran for cover under what seemed like the only restaurant open in Becici. The great thing about off-season in coastal towns is that there are less crowds and the beaches are still beautiful. That being said, a lot of restaurants and even hotels are closed. Today, the town of Becici looked deserted; but, in just a couple weeks, we knew it would be thriving with locals and tourists alike. After a short rain shower, it was late enough that it made sense to make the walk back home before dark instead of going back onto the beach. We decided that we could try to make it back again another time.
KOLLYN + MARK (Part 1)
Day 1 - On Saturday evening, my sister, Kollyn, and her husband, Mark, arrived. We were all so excited, especially because they arrived a day earlier than we had thought. Funnily enough, though, during the time of their visit, the rain also decided to make a short comeback. It held off their first morning in Budva; however, the rains unleashed their power that evening. Rain. Wind. Thunder. Lightning. It was a thunderstorm. Even so, the stormy waves of the Adriatic Sea brought several people outside. When it was still just extremely windy (but not wet and thundering yet), onlookers (including my sister, the girls, and I) watched brave individuals (like Brad and Mark) face the relentless waves as they made their way (quickly and strategically) to Mogren Beach. Minutes later, they returned soaked but smiling.
Soon after, we headed to Cake & Bake cafe in the Fontana Hotel & Gastronomy where we had coffee and cake and dried off. The pistachio cake was a nice little treat and the coffees were a warm pick-me-up. After a little rest, we rested more while the girls played at my sister's and Mark's place. Then, we took the girls back to our place for just an hour break before heading out to meet them for dinner at the Old Fisherman's Pub (yet again). We are finding that, although we haven't found any restaurants other than Verde that really amaze us, the Old Fisherman's Pub has become a good go-to place for our family offering a variety of good dishes. So, it has a little something for everyone.
The rain held off for a long time that day; but, after dinner, the rain, thunder, and lightning decided to make themselves known. Thankfully, the rain slowed down just long enough for us to make a run for it to our apartments. We all made it safe and sound (and tired) from a wonderful first full day with Kollyn and Mark.
Day 2 - We had a nice late start to the morning, but we made it to the beach before lunch. It was gorgeous out today. Sunny skies and no rain in the forecast. After their own late morning, Kollyn and Mark joined us at a newer spot on the beach we found a few days prior. There are stone-filled cylindrical concrete vats that serve as some kind of division in the water. The girls quickly discovered that they are capable of climbing across them. We spent the morning throwing rocks and playing on the sand before getting lunch at the Home of Gyros by Naky's and bringing it back to our aparment. Their wraps are delicious and inexpensive. A good combination. After a nice lunch and some rest from the sun, we headed back out toward Mogren Beach. There are actually two parts to Mogren Beach—simply termed Mogren Beach and Mogren 2 Beach. In order to get to the second side, you have to pass what is called the "Door in Stone" either by fighting the waves as you round the cavernous corner or walking on some form of DIY bridge (this time, it was a narrow wooden beam, but I have seen photos of other creative bridges), which is why you probably dont see many visitors on the second side during off-season. Brad, Mark, and Kollyn headed over while I stayed with the girls since they really wanted to play. At first, I was a bit bummed out about it because I really wanted to head to the other side, but I also understood that the girls need to be able to assert their control sometimes. They've been so adventurous going with the flow of things and we are so proud, but I totally understand that they need to say no sometimes (feel free to judge my parenting).
"...children, bound by parental rules,
are really free only in
one respect—emotionally."
-Lisa Gottlieb ("Maybe You Should Talk to Someone)
This is from one of the books I read on this trip (it's the first time in a while that I have been able to read books in just 1-3 days if I want and it's been nice). I can see some truth in this statement, but feel free to disagree.
As I was saying, I was a little bummed (yet still happy) seeing the three of them make it so far to the other side that they were climbing their way past the second half of the beach. Finally, after letting the girls play a while, I called them over and told them I am not letting us miss this rare opportunity (we are not in Budva with my sister and Mark often and rain is scheduled for the next couple days) and that we were making our way to the other side of the beach. I warned them that they would be getting wet, but we were going to do this. Surprisingly, they were suddenly up for it.
When we approached the "Door in Stone," I had my hesitations as one onlooker looked like he was questioning my parental judgment (honestly, I was, too, a little); but, I was determined. To get to the other side, you have to pass a cave-like inlet. I really don't know how to explain why it's a bit of a challenge crossing over, but there were really only two options: 1) cross the beam over rocks and waves with two girls (or let them go by themselves) or 2) manage to get them far enough into the cave so they aren't soaked and then run through the waves to climb to the other side. Option one looked like a disaster waiting to happen (with another adult, sure. By myself, not a smart idea, even if they've done well walking beams in gym class), so I opted for option two. Now, to get them into the cave, they still had to scale the rocky side of the mountain. It's only a few feet above the ground; but, remember, by ground, I mean rocky bottom covered in crashing waves. Amazingly, Noe started scaling the walls sideways. I followed her lead, jumped ahead of her, threw our belongings (oh, right, I also had our backpack, Brad's coat, and Kollyn's purse with us) into the cave area, and then grabbed Noe to also throw her (gently) into the cave area. Success. Next was Vienna, and she did great. From there, I had to carry them a little ways into the water to get them onto the rocky platform on the other side. Unfortunately, it was a bit too wet/cold/slippery for them to climb themselves and I didn't want to risk a wave coming by and knocking them down, so I carried and lifted up each girl one at a time to the platform. Then, I threw them our belongings and climbed up myself. Just a few more steps through the watery cave area and around the corner and we made it. A beach never looked so beautiful simply because of the journey we took to get there. It was worth it.
Later, my sister said that, as she was filming the view from the rocky area they had climbed, she noticed little specks of us and pointed us out to the men. Apparently, Brad (after realizing it was me and our two little girls coming around the corner of the "Door of Stone") said, "That's incredible!" And it was. I was so proud of the girls (and of myself) for getting across and taking the adventure. When they got to the second half of the beach, they must have been filled with an adventurous side because, while waiting for Brad, Kol, and Mark to climb back down, they found a large rock area to climb themselves. They love climbing, in general; but, this was actual rock climbing for them. They spent the next 20 minutes just climbing.
On the way back, the girls wanted to walk the plank to the other side of the "Door in Stone." Walking a narrow wooden beam isn't too difficult on its own; but, when waves are crashing beneath you, it almost makes you lose your equilibrium. That being said, I wanted to hone in on their adventurous side and go for it. We had already come this far, so why not? The first person to cross was Mark. Then, it was mine and Vienna's turn. I held Vienna lightly under her arms while walking behind her on the beam. We had to go slowly because those waves definitely throw you off balance. Honestly, I think she really wanted to go by herself, but I wasn't ready to take that risk. Thankfully, we did it! Then, Brad went with Noe. Noe was a little scared with the waves, so I stepped in the water to hold out my hand to her for support and she did great. The final person to cross was my sister. Now, if you know my sister, you know how beautiful she is on stage but how clumsy she is everywhere else. Apparently, the first time she crossed, she channeled her ballet side and crossed turned out shuffling while in fifth position. It was a success, but a pretty funny image. Once again, she did the same on the return trip bringing up the tail end of our group. Sometimes you just have to save the best for last.
It was getting late, so we headed back and went to Babaluu's for dinner. We attempted to go there the first week, but we got it confused with another place and never went. I am glad we gave it a chance tonight because it was fresh food, large portions, and a variety of options all at a good price. Honestly, since it was so close to all the high rises and on the strip of nightclubs, we thought it would be pricey and geared toward tourists. Maybe it is geared toward tourists, but it was delicious and a good price. Our bellies were happy, our hearts were full, and we were ready for a good night's sleep.
Thank you, @kikothewhale and @itsmarkykenna, for the awesome adventures! To be continued...

Photo credits: photos are a mix of mine, Brad's, Kollyn's, and Mark's
It was great to see Kollyn and Mark. Your exploration looked like challenging fun. Have wonderful further adventures!
We had an AMAZING time with you all, and miss you so much already! Budva is beautiful both on sunny and hazy days. We especially loved wandering through Old Town =) Wishing you safe and fun travels the remainder of your travels!! Love you!!